Recently, numbered

45. reading the signs
July 11, 2012, 3:36 pm
Filed under: Everyday | Tags:

There is a slight chance that this sign has consequential meaning and a strong chance that the building will not be liable.

44. Stealing an aphorism, no other parts
July 9, 2012, 4:29 pm
Filed under: Everyday, Exercises, Music | Tags: , ,

“We need structure, so we can see we are nowhere.” – John Cage

That seems really really sad.  Until you realize Cage practiced Zen Buddhism.  Then you change your mind and say, “that seems really really free.”

43. Making up aphorisms, part 3
July 3, 2012, 8:09 pm
Filed under: Everyday, Exercises | Tags: , , ,

Canyon cliffs once went under the biggest knife we’ll never know, and that makes me feel better.

42. Making up aphorisms, part 2
July 3, 2012, 8:08 pm
Filed under: Everyday, Exercises | Tags: ,

Lamentations are  ghosts telling you how it sucks to die but then you have to come back as someone else’s memory.

41. Making up aphorisms, part 1
July 3, 2012, 7:57 pm
Filed under: Everyday, Exercises, Literature | Tags: , ,

Choose Fiction over Fact if you want to study how people imagine themselves to be true.

39. Quotes du jour
June 7, 2012, 3:11 pm
Filed under: Everyday

Double entendre for the morning: “Wanna screw?” – on the t-shirt of the contractor who works near my office building.

Thought crossing mind  while walking down B’way between Howard and Grand: “I have no idea what I’m doing writing amateur writings, but that’s okay, I will do it anyway.  Practice.”

Mom’s words at 7:46 a.m. after I returned her 7:38 call: “My phone must have done that on its own.”

37. Song obsession
May 21, 2012, 11:00 am
Filed under: Everyday, Music

How They Want Me To Be” on the new Best Coast album

I walk down the sidewalk with IT in my ears, and girl group nostalgia snags me.

Every time I listen to it.

I lip-synch the song all the way down Sullivan Street.

First chorus:

“I don’t wanna BE how they want me to BE

I don’t wanna BE how the want me to BE”

Last chorus:

“You don’t want ME to be/how they want ME to be/I don’t want ME to be/how they want ME to be.”

IT goes swing to circle. And YOU shows up mid-way through

Turns a selfish revolution into YOU loving ME.

That’s all that matters.

Songs will point that out.

36. Make a point to write things down
May 20, 2012, 5:00 pm
Filed under: Everyday

The point is to write things down.

35. “Don’t get too lost for too long”
May 20, 2012, 11:49 am
Filed under: Everyday, Scripts

an Irishman tells us from the Will Eno play.  The play ends. The lights go out.  The lights come up.  Clapping. Bowing. Standing.

The elderly woman sitting next to Jeffrey asks him if he’s Irish.  She wondered because Jeffrey understood where all the funny parts were in the play.  And she was grateful for the laughter.  She knew it was there but couldn’t quite catch it.

I am reminded that misunderstandings don’t always beget blame.  I am reminded how to smile.  How to compliment without being a complement to a room.

How I like Jeffrey there beside me.  How I love him so.

34. Evidence (why I’ve begun to practice meditation)
March 25, 2011, 6:57 pm
Filed under: Everyday, Lists, Literature

You  must catch up on some fiction.
Atkinson, Bowen, Krauss
Rearrange the living room.
Acquire a hanging light for over the table.
Remember the radio talk show
(where the host brought up assimilation).
International human worries
International human worries
The cat knocks the tv remote off the mantle.

Exercise your memory (the names are starting to slip).
Add to your story-plot diary
(where you record plots to test that you remember them).
Beginnings, middles, ends

To the grocery store
Smoked gouda, bananas, kitty food
A text about “crazy human archetypes” arrives and it is delightful.
Handless Maiden” and “Bluebeard” now come to mind.

Don’t kill yourself over details please.
That book – what’s it called?
Something with Einstein
(It talks about memory palaces.)

Build a memory palace!
String it across your arms and clavicles.
(a perfect place for a palace)
A studio would be fine, though. Or a house.

Think a thought for Dad. An Irish proverb.
“Patience and forbearance make a bishop of his reverence.”
But could you do without the thoughts?
But wouldn’t you like to sleep?
To fall like a stone.
Wake like a stone.